Welcome New Students!

A large and small blue and white arrow in a blue circle making a compass shape next to the words WWU Orientation in blue letters on a white background

Chart Your Course: Orientation, Advising, and Registration

We're glad you're here! All new students can begin preparing for their first quarter at Western by exploring our Orientation, Advising, and Registration resources, tools and programs. We’re excited to help you Chart Your Course and launch your academic career as a new student in the Western community!

Step 1: Sign up for Your Advising & Registration Session

Once you have confirmed your enrollment at WWU, you can sign up for your Advising & Registration session. Advising & Registration (A&R) sessions are required for incoming First-Year and Running Start students and strongly recommended for incoming Transfer students. Post-Baccalaureate students, please refer to the pages below for advising options.

Step 2: Complete Your New Student Orientation Checklist

Attending an Advising & Registration session is just one step in setting yourself up for success in your first quarter at Western. Review your New Student Orientation Checklist for required and recommended actions to complete as you prepare for your A&R Session and first quarter. See the New Family Checklist for parents, families, and supporters as well.

Step 3: Connect to Community Resources

Dive a little deeper into your new community by exploring virtual resources, student activity centers and resource hubs that connect you to student events, student spaces, and student life at Western!

Parents and Families

Are you the parent or family member of a new student? Visit our Welcome New Families page for tips for navigating orientation as well as information about campus resources and services available to you and your student.